sobota, 2 lipca 2016

The idea of abolishing armies – rozprawka [język angielski/liceum/poziom rozszerzony]

It has been known for a long time that war is extremely dangerous, destructive and causes death of hundreds of innocent people. That is why more and more people think that all the armies should be abolished. I agree with them, but their idea has some advantages and disadvantages too.

First of all, as I have said before, every war leads to destruction, suffering and death. If countries did not have armed forces, they would not be able to trigger a war. In case of a conflict the authorities will have to use peaceful means. As a result, citizens will feel safer.

Secondly, holding an army can be really costly. The authorities have to spend money on modern and expensive weapon, military equipment and training. If armies were abolished, the authorities would save a lot of money. The saved money could be spent on public health or economic development.

On the other hand, there is a risk that most of the countries will abolish their armies and some of them will hold armies in secret. In case of a war the countries which do not have armed forces are not able to protect their citizens and fight. Therefore the army is a guarantee of safety and peace.

To sum up, abolishing armies can help us to avoid wars and military conflicts. However, we should remember that this idea involves agreement and cooperation between all the countries.

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