niedziela, 16 sierpnia 2015

Protesting against building a multi-storey car park – list formalny [język angielski/liceum/poziom rozszerzony]

Dear Sir,

I am writing to protest against building a large parking with several floors for cars. There is no doubt that drivers would be pleased with the new parking, but for some reason I think you should consider finding an alternative location.

According to the plans, the parking will be built on the outskirts of the town, where a lot of people spend their spare time and rest. Local people visit it to have a picnic or simply talk to their friends. There are plenty of trees, shrubs and flowers too, so it is one of the best places to get relaxed after a hard day at work. That is why the parking should not be built here.

What is more, the park is children’s favourite place to spend time after classes. They play on the children’s playground, climb trees, play team sports, such as football or volleyball. If the parking were built there, the children would become bored and sad.

In addition, building this multi-storey car park will be surely associated with destruction of the beautiful area. As a result, destroying a lot of trees and flowers will effect negatively on wildlife.

I would appreciate it if you could reconsider your decision and give up the idea of building a huge parking for cars.

I am looking forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,


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